Friday 4 November 2016


According to slide presented by Siti Nurulhuda last week, she referred to two behavioral theory of learning by Ivan Pavlov and Edward Thorndike. The slide also mentioned about what is learning? According to Siti Nurulhuda, learning was always defined as a change in an individual caused by experience.
Learning theory was divided into three items whereas behaviorism, cognitive and constructivism. Behaviorism is a learning process through observation for example; the children always imitate what they had seen through their parent as well as the girls playing by pretend to be moms that manage their baby such as feeding a baby, change their nappy and so on. The conclusion is, behaviorism is a process of indirect learning that can be taught by experience and environment.
Next, cognitive learning theories was focus on mental process whereas children used to think about something that they get from observation for example, the children want to look at the sun but sunrays was not safe to them so, they think for how to look at the sun safely, means they need a protection! They will think what the protection should be? They should think and this is how they find a solution which means they used a critical thinking to solve problem, then critical thinking is a mental process.
While the constructivism is the combination of behaviorism and cognitive whereas the children was observed and think for example, the situation of one children want to touch the hot kettle but their mom against it due to it was hot and may hurt that children so the children will think what they can used to prevent the hot and at the same time they want to touch it, so they come out with cloth then touch the kettle, so they may know that kettle was hot and touch with cloth can prevent them from getting hurt.
Last but not least, the behavioral learning theories show us the proof about what happen in our life. Ivan Pavlov use   classical conditioning that emphasis on observation using psychomotor such as neutral stimuli through five steps which are unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, neutral stimuli, conditioned stimulus and classical conditioning while Edward Thorndike through imitation but through three laws which is law of effect, law of readiness and law of exercise.  

Conclusion is, the theoretical learning process had their own advantages and dis-advantages but can implemented to person due to their behavior.

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